name: "ShellCheck" author: "Ludeeus " description: "GitHub action for ShellCheck." inputs: additional_files: description: "A space separated list of additional filename to check" required: false default: "" ignore: description: "Paths to ignore when running ShellCheck" required: false default: "" ignore_paths: description: "Paths to ignore when running ShellCheck" required: false default: "" ignore_names: description: "Names to ignore when running ShellCheck" required: false default: "" severity: description: "Minimum severity of errors to consider. Options: [error, warning, info, style]" required: false default: "" check_together: description: "Run shellcheck on _all_ files at once, instead of one at a time" required: false default: "" scandir: description: "Directory to be searched for files. Defaults to ." required: false default: "." disable_matcher: description: "Set to true to skip using problem-matcher" required: false default: "false" format: description: "Output format (checkstyle, diff, gcc, json, json1, quiet, tty)" required: false default: "gcc" version: description: "Specify a concrete version of ShellCheck to use" required: false default: "stable" outputs: files: description: A list of files with issues value: ${{ steps.check.outputs.filepaths }} options: description: The options used value: ${{ steps.options.outputs.options }} branding: icon: "terminal" color: "gray-dark" runs: using: "composite" steps: - name: Enable problem-matcher shell: bash run: | problem_matcher_file="${{ github.action_path }}/.github/problem-matcher-${{ inputs.format }}.json" if [[ ${{ inputs.disable_matcher }} != "true" && -f "$problem_matcher_file" ]]; then echo "::add-matcher::$problem_matcher_file" fi - name: Download shellcheck shell: bash run: | if [[ "${{ runner.os }}" == "macOS" ]]; then osvariant="darwin" else osvariant="linux" fi scversion="${{ inputs.version }}" baseurl="" curl -Lso "${{ github.action_path }}/sc.tar.xz" \ "${baseurl}/${scversion}/shellcheck-${scversion}.${osvariant}.x86_64.tar.xz" tar -xf "${{ github.action_path }}/sc.tar.xz" -C "${{ github.action_path }}" mv "${{ github.action_path }}/shellcheck-${scversion}/shellcheck" \ "${{ github.action_path }}/shellcheck" - name: Display shellcheck version shell: bash run: | "${{ github.action_path }}/shellcheck" --version - name: Set options shell: bash id: options run: | declare -a options if [[ -n "${{ inputs.severity }}" ]]; then options+=("-S ${{ inputs.severity }}") fi options+=("--format=${{ inputs.format }}") echo "::set-output name=options::${options[@]}" - name: Gather excluded paths shell: bash id: exclude run: | declare -a excludes set -f # temporarily disable globbing so that globs in input aren't # expanded excludes+=("! -path \"*./.git/*\"") excludes+=("! -path \"*.go\"") excludes+=("! -path \"*/mvnw\"") if [[ -n "${{ inputs.ignore }}" ]]; then echo "::warning::ignore is deprecated. Please use ignore_paths instead" for path in ${{ inputs.ignore }}; do echo "::debug:: Adding '$path' to excludes" excludes+=("! -path \"*./$path/*\"") excludes+=("! -path \"*/$path/*\"") excludes+=("! -path \"$path\"") done else for path in ${{ inputs.ignore_paths }}; do echo "::debug:: Adding '$path' to excludes" excludes+=("! -path \"*./$path/*\"") excludes+=("! -path \"*/$path/*\"") excludes+=("! -path \"$path\"") done fi for name in ${{ inputs.ignore_names }}; do echo "::debug:: Adding '$name' to excludes" excludes+=("! -name $name") done echo "::set-output name=excludes::${excludes[@]}" set +f # re-enable globbing - name: Gather additional files shell: bash id: additional run: | declare -a files for file in ${{ inputs.additional_files }}; do echo "::debug:: Adding '$file' to excludes" files+=("-o -name \"*$file\"") done echo "::set-output name=files::${files[@]}" - name: Run the check shell: bash id: check run: | statuscode=0 declare -a filepaths shebangregex="^#! */[^ ]*/(env *)?[abk]*sh" while IFS= read -r -d '' file; do filepaths+=("$file") done < <(find "${{ inputs.scandir }}" \ ${{ steps.exclude.outputs.excludes }} \ -type f \ '(' \ -name '*.bash' \ -o -name '.bashrc' \ -o -name 'bashrc' \ -o -name '.bash_aliases' \ -o -name '.bash_completion' \ -o -name '.bash_login' \ -o -name '.bash_logout' \ -o -name '.bash_profile' \ -o -name 'bash_profile' \ -o -name '*.ksh' \ -o -name 'suid_profile' \ -o -name '*.zsh' \ -o -name '.zlogin' \ -o -name 'zlogin' \ -o -name '.zlogout' \ -o -name 'zlogout' \ -o -name '.zprofile' \ -o -name 'zprofile' \ -o -name '.zsenv' \ -o -name 'zsenv' \ -o -name '.zshrc' \ -o -name 'zshrc' \ -o -name '*.sh' \ -o -path '*/.profile' \ -o -path '*/profile' \ -o -name '*.shlib' \ ${{ steps.additional.outputs.files }} \ ')' \ -print0) while IFS= read -r -d '' file; do head -n1 "$file" | grep -Eqs "$shebangregex" || continue filepaths+=("$file") done < <(find "${{ inputs.scandir }}" \ ${{ steps.exclude.outputs.excludes }} \ -type f ! -name '*.*' -perm /111 \ -print0) if [[ -n "${{ inputs.check_together }}" ]]; then "${{ github.action_path }}/shellcheck" \ ${{ steps.options.outputs.options }} \ "${filepaths[@]}" || statuscode=$? else for file in "${filepaths[@]}"; do echo "::debug::Checking '$file'" "${{ github.action_path }}/shellcheck" \ ${{ steps.options.outputs.options }} \ "$file" || statuscode=$? done fi echo "::set-output name=filepaths::${filepaths[@]}" echo "::set-output name=statuscode::$statuscode" - name: Print information shell: bash run: | echo "Files: ${{ steps.check.outputs.filepaths }}" echo "Excluded: ${{ steps.exclude.outputs.excludes }}" echo "Options: ${{ steps.options.outputs.options }}" echo "Status code: ${{ steps.check.outputs.statuscode }}" exit ${{steps.check.outputs.statuscode}}