#!/bin/bash cd "$GITHUB_WORKSPACE" || exit 1 declare statuscode declare -a filepaths declare -a excludes declare -a tmp statuscode=0 excludes+=( ! -path *./.git/* ) for path in ${INPUT_IGNORE}; do [[ ${path#./*} != "$path" ]] || path=./${path} echo "::debug:: Adding '${path}' to excludes" excludes+=(! -path *"${path}"* ) done readarray -d '' filepaths < <(find . "${excludes[@]}" \ '(' \ \ -name '*.bash' \ -o -path '*/.bash*' \ -o -path '*/bash*' \ -o -name '*.ksh' \ -o -name 'ksh*' \ -o -path '*/.ksh*' \ -o -path '*/ksh*' \ -o -name 'suid_profile' \ -o -name '*.zsh' \ -o -name '.zlogin*' \ -o -name 'zlogin*' \ -o -name '.zlogout*' \ -o -name 'zlogout*' \ -o -name '.zprofile*' \ -o -name 'zprofile*' \ -o -path '*/.zsh*' \ -o -path '*/zsh*' \ -o -name '*.sh' \ -o -path '*/.profile*' \ -o -path '*/profile*' \ -o -path '*/.shlib*' \ -o -path '*/shlib*' \ ')'\ \ -print0) readarray -d '' tmp < <(find . "${excludes[@]}" -type f ! -name '*.*' -perm /111 -print0) for file in "${tmp[@]}"; do head -n1 "$file" | grep -Eqs "^#! */[^ ]*/[abkz]*sh" || continue filepaths+=("$file") done if find . "${excludes[@]}" -path '*bin/*/*' -type f -perm /111 -print | grep . then echo >&2 "::warning:: subdirectories of bin directories are not usable via PATH" fi if find . "${excludes[@]}" -path '*bin/*' -name '*.*' -type f -perm /111 -perm /444 -print | grep . then echo >&2 "::warning:: programs in PATH should not have a filename suffix" fi for file in "${filepaths[@]}"; do echo "::debug:: Checking $file" shellcheck "$file" || statuscode=$? done exit "$statuscode"