%------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % SECTION TITLE %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \cvsection{Presentation} %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % CONTENT %------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \begin{cventries} %--------------------------------------------------------- \cventry {Presenter for <Hosting Web Application for Free utilizing GitHub, Netlify and CloudFlare>} % Role {DevFest Seoul by Google Developer Group Korea} % Event {Seoul, S.Korea} % Location {Nov. 2017} % Date(s) { \begin{cvitems} % Description(s) \item {Introduced the history of web technology and the JAM stack which is for the modern web application development.} \item {Introduced how to freely host the web application with high performance utilizing global CDN services.} \end{cvitems} } %--------------------------------------------------------- \cventry {Presenter for <DEFCON 20th : The way to go to Las Vegas>} % Role {6th CodeEngn (Reverse Engineering Conference)} % Event {Seoul, S.Korea} % Location {Jul. 2012} % Date(s) { \begin{cvitems} % Description(s) \item {Introduced CTF(Capture the Flag) hacking competition and advanced techniques and strategy for CTF} \end{cvitems} } %--------------------------------------------------------- \cventry {Presenter for <Metasploit 101>} % Role {6th Hacking Camp - S.Korea} % Event {S.Korea} % Location {Sep. 2012} % Date(s) { \begin{cvitems} % Description(s) \item {Introduced basic procedure for penetration testing and how to use Metasploit} \end{cvitems} } %--------------------------------------------------------- \end{cventries}