Added a mid-sized VPS configuration with configuration changes to the PostgreSQL database config.
Deleted single quotes in one of the examples to unify the examples
@ -108,11 +108,33 @@ These are not recommended values and they may not work well for you. This is jus
Here is an example config for a small 2 core server with 4GB of RAM and SSD storage:
matrix_postgres_process_extra_arguments: [
"-c 'shared_buffers=128MB'",
"-c 'effective_cache_size=2304MB'",
"-c 'effective_io_concurrency=100'",
"-c 'random_page_cost=2.0'",
"-c 'min_wal_size=500MB'",
"-c shared_buffers=128MB",
"-c effective_cache_size=2304MB",
"-c effective_io_concurrency=100",
"-c random_page_cost=2.0",
"-c min_wal_size=500MB",
Here is an example config for a 4 core server with 8GB of RAM on a Virtual Private Server (VPS); the paramters have been configured using with the following setup: PostgreSQL version 12, OS Type: Linux, DB Type: Mixed type of application, Data Storage: SSD storage: