matrix_homeserver_implementation: "{{ matrix_homeserver_enabled_implementations_list[0] if matrix_homeserver_enabled_implementations_list|length == 1 else '' }}"
matrix_identity_server_url: "{{ ('https://' + matrix_server_fqn_matrix) if matrix_ma1sd_enabled else None }}"
# If Synapse workers are enabled and matrix-nginx-proxy is disabled, certain APIs may not work over 'http://matrix-synapse:{{ matrix_synapse_container_client_api_port }}'.
@ -1906,6 +1895,8 @@ matrix_client_cinny_self_check_validate_certificates: "{{ false if matrix_ssl_re
If you have more than 1 implementation enabled, you can disable the unnecessary implementations by adding `matrix_IMPLEMENTATION_enabled:false` to your vars.yml file.
If you have 0 implementations enabled, you can enable one by adding `matrix_IMPLEMENTATION_enabled: false` to your vars.yml file (e.g. `matrix_dendrite_enabled:true`).