## Synapse v1.60 upgrade may cause trouble and require manual intervention
Synapse v1.60 will try to add a new unique index to `state_group_edges` upon startup and could fail if your database is corrupted.
We haven't observed this problem yet, but [the Synapse v1.60.0 upgrade notes](https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/blob/v1.60.0/docs/upgrade.md#adding-a-new-unique-index-to-state_group_edges-could-fail-if-your-database-is-corrupted) mention it, so we're giving you a heads up here in case you're unlucky.
**If Synapse fails to start** after your next playbook run, you'll need to:
- SSH into the Matrix server
- launch `/usr/local/bin/matrix-postgres-cli`
- switch to the `synapse` database: `\c synapse`
- run the following SQL query:
DELETE FROM state_group_edges WHERE (ctid, state_group, prev_state_group) IN (
SELECT row_id, state_group, prev_state_group
ctid AS row_id,
MIN(ctid) OVER (PARTITION BY state_group, prev_state_group) AS min_row_id,
FROM state_group_edges
) AS t1
WHERE row_id <> min_row_id
You could then restart services: `ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts setup.yml --tags=start`
# Using a fork for this until this gets merged to make it compatible with Synapse v1.60: https://github.com/digitalentity/matrix_encryption_disabler/pull/9