@ -227,9 +227,18 @@ matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_matrix_federation_api_ssl_certificate_key: "{{ matrix_s
# The tmpfs at /tmp needs to be large enough to handle multiple concurrent file uploads.
matrix_nginx_proxy_tmp_directory_size_mb: "{{ (matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_matrix_federation_api_client_max_body_size_mb | int) * 50 }}"
# A list of strings containing additional configuration blocks to add to the nginx server configuration (nginx.conf).
# for big matrixservers to enlarge the number of open files to prevent timeouts
# matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_additional_server_configuration_blocks:
# - 'worker_rlimit_nofile 30000;'
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_additional_server_configuration_blocks: []
# A list of strings containing additional configuration blocks to add to the nginx http's server configuration (nginx-http.conf).
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_http_additional_server_configuration_blocks: []
# A list of strings containing additional configuration blocks to add to the nginx event server configuration (nginx.conf).
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_event_additional_server_configuration_blocks: []
# A list of strings containing additional configuration blocks to add to the base matrix server configuration (matrix-domain.conf).
matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_matrix_additional_server_configuration_blocks: []