Do not delete and re-create Synapse worker configs needlessly

We had checks to avoid stopping/deleting systemd services for workers
that used to exist and will continue to exist, but we were deleting
config files for workers each time.. Only to recreate them again later.

This lead to:

- too many misleading "changed" tasks
- too much unnecessary work
- potential failures during playbook execution possibly leaving the
  system in a bad state (no worker config files)
Slavi Pantaleev 2 years ago
parent 2e7b5c7b02
commit c37cf42427

@ -7,12 +7,16 @@
use_regex: true
register: matrix_synapse_workers_current_config_files
- set_fact:
matrix_synapse_enabled_worker_names: "{{ matrix_synapse_workers_enabled_list | map(attribute='name') }}"
# This also deletes some things which we need. They will be recreated below.
- name: Ensure previous worker configs are cleaned
- name: Ensure unnecessary worker configs are cleaned
path: "{{ item.path }}"
state: absent
with_items: "{{ matrix_synapse_workers_current_config_files.files }}"
when: "not ansible_check_mode and (item.path | basename | replace ('worker.', '') | replace('.yaml', '')) not in matrix_synapse_enabled_worker_names"
- name: Determine current worker systemd services
@ -27,13 +31,14 @@
state: stopped
enabled: false
with_items: "{{ matrix_synapse_workers_current_systemd_services.files }}"
when: "not ansible_check_mode and item.path | basename not in devture_systemd_service_manager_services_list | map(attribute='name')"
when: "not ansible_check_mode and (item.path | basename | replace('.service', '')) not in matrix_synapse_enabled_worker_names"
- name: Ensure unnecessary worker systemd services are cleaned
path: "{{ item.path }}"
state: absent
with_items: "{{ matrix_synapse_workers_current_systemd_services.files }}"
when: "not ansible_check_mode and (item.path | basename | replace('.service', '')) not in matrix_synapse_enabled_worker_names"
- name: Ensure creation of worker systemd service files and configuration files
ansible.builtin.include_tasks: "{{ role_path }}/tasks/synapse/workers/util/setup_files_for_worker.yml"
