You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

24 lines
715 B

- set_fact:
dns_srv_record_checks: []
- block:
- set_fact:
service_and_protocol: "_matrix-identity._tcp"
domain: "{{ (matrix_domain + '.') }}"
expected_target: "{{ (matrix_server_fqn_matrix + '.') }}"
expected_port: 443
- name: Determine domains that we require certificates for (ma1sd)
dns_srv_record_checks: "{{ dns_srv_record_checks + [dns_srv_record_check_ma1sd] }}"
when: matrix_ma1sd_enabled|bool
- name: Perform DNS SRV checks
include_tasks: "{{ role_path }}/tasks/self_check_dns_srv.yml"
with_items: "{{ dns_srv_record_checks }}"
loop_var: dns_srv_record_check