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# matrix-synapse-reverse-proxy companion is a role which brings up a containerized nginx webserver which helps with reverse-proxying to Synapse.
# When Synapse is NOT running in worker-mode, reverse-proxying is relatively simple (everything goes to `matrix-synapse:XXXX`).
# When Synapse workers are enabled, however, the reverse-proxying configuration is much more complicated.
# Certain requests need to go to certain workers, etc.
# In the past, the main reverse proxy (`matrix-synapse-reverse-proxy-companion`) was handling request routing to the appropriate workers,
# but that only worked well for external requests (from outside of the Matrix server itself).
# Without the help of `matrix-synapse-reverse-proxy-companion`, internal services (like Dimension) that would like to talk to Synapse over the container network
# did not have an endpoint for Synapse that they could be pointed to and have it just work.
# If `matrix-synapse-reverse-proxy-companion` was enabled, Dimension could be pointed to its vhost handling Synapse and routing to the appropriate workers,
# but when `matrix-synapse-reverse-proxy-companion` was disabled, this helpful functionality was not available and the best we could do
# is point Dimension to the main Synapse process at `matrix-synapse:XXXX` itself.
# Doing that breaks requests that need to go to specific workers.
# See:
# What this role does is, it extracts all the Synapse request routing out of the `matrix-synapse-reverse-proxy-companion` role here,
# and makes the `matrix-synapse-reverse-proxy-companion` container service represent Synapse and route appropriately,
# regardless of whether workers are enabled or disabled.
# All other playbook services can then forget about `matrix-synapse` or `matrix-synapse-whatever-worker`, etc.,
# and just use `matrix-synapse-reverse-proxy-companion` as their request destination.
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_enabled: true
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_version: 1.23.2-alpine
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_base_path: "{{ matrix_synapse_base_path }}/reverse-proxy-companion"
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_confd_path: "{{ matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_base_path }}/conf.d"
# List of systemd services that matrix-synapse-reverse-proxy-companion.service depends on
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_systemd_required_services_list: ['docker.service']
# List of systemd services that matrix-synapse-reverse-proxy-companion.service wants
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_systemd_wanted_services_list: ['matrix-synapse.service']
# We use an official nginx image, which we fix-up to run unprivileged.
# An alternative would be an `nginxinc/nginx-unprivileged` image, but
# that is frequently out of date.
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_container_image: "{{ matrix_container_global_registry_prefix }}nginx:{{ matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_version }}"
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_container_image_force_pull: "{{ matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_container_image.endswith(':latest') }}"
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_container_network: "{{ matrix_docker_network }}"
# A list of additional container networks that matrix-synapse-reverse-proxy-companion would be connected to.
# The playbook does not create these networks, so make sure they already exist.
# Use this to expose matrix-synapse-reverse-proxy-companion to another reverse proxy, which runs in a different container network,
# without exposing all other Matrix services to that other reverse-proxy.
# For background, see:
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_container_additional_networks: []
# Controls whether the matrix-synapse-reverse-proxy-companion container exposes its HTTP Client-Server API port (tcp/8008 in the container).
# Takes an "<ip>:<port>" or "<port>" value (e.g. ""), or empty string to not expose.
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_container_client_api_host_bind_port: ''
# Controls whether the matrix-synapse-reverse-proxy-companion container exposes its HTTP Federation (Server-Server) API port (tcp/8048 in the container).
# Takes an "<ip>:<port>" or "<port>" value (e.g. ""), or empty string to not expose.
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_container_federation_api_host_bind_port: ''
# The amount of worker processes and connections
# Consider increasing these when you are expecting high amounts of traffic
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_worker_processes: auto
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_worker_connections: 1024
# Option to disable the access log
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_access_log_enabled: true
# The tmpfs at /tmp needs to be large enough to handle multiple concurrent file uploads.
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_tmp_directory_size_mb: "{{ (matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_federation_api_client_max_body_size_mb | int) * 50 }}"
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_tmp_cache_directory_size_mb: "{{ (matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_synapse_cache_max_size_mb | int) * 2 }}"
# A list of strings containing additional configuration blocks to add to the nginx server configuration (nginx.conf).
# for big matrixservers to enlarge the number of open files to prevent timeouts
# matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_additional_configuration_blocks:
# - 'worker_rlimit_nofile 30000;'
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_additional_configuration_blocks: []
# A list of strings containing additional configuration blocks to add to the nginx event server configuration (nginx.conf).
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_event_additional_configuration_blocks: []
# A list of strings containing additional configuration blocks to add to the nginx http's server configuration (nginx-http.conf).
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_http_additional_server_configuration_blocks: []
# To increase request timeout in NGINX using proxy_read_timeout, proxy_connect_timeout, proxy_send_timeout, send_timeout directives
# Nginx Default: proxy_connect_timeout 60s; #Defines a timeout for establishing a connection with a proxied server
# Nginx Default: proxy_send_timeout 60s; #Sets a timeout for transmitting a request to the proxied server.
# Nginx Default: proxy_read_timeout 60s; #Defines a timeout for reading a response from the proxied server.
# Nginx Default: send_timeout 60s; #Sets a timeout for transmitting a response to the client.
# For more information visit:
# Here we are sticking with nginx default values change this value carefully.
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_proxy_connect_timeout: 60
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_proxy_send_timeout: 60
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_proxy_read_timeout: 60
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_send_timeout: 60
# For OCSP purposes, we need to define a resolver at the `server{}` level or `http{}` level (we do the latter).
# Otherwise, we get warnings like this:
# > [warn] 22#22: no resolver defined to resolve while requesting certificate status, responder:, certificate: "/matrix/ssl/config/live/.../fullchain.pem"
# We point it to the internal Docker resolver, which likely delegates to nameservers defined in `/etc/resolv.conf`.
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_hostname: "matrix-synapse-reverse-proxy-companion"
# matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_client_api_addr specifies the address where the Client-Server API is
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_client_api_addr: 'matrix-synapse:{{ matrix_synapse_container_client_api_port }}'
# This needs to be equal or higher than the maximum upload size accepted by Synapse.
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_client_api_client_max_body_size_mb: 50
# matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_federation_api_enabled specifies whether reverse proxying for the Federation (Server-Server) API should be done
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_federation_api_enabled: true
# matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_federation_api_addr specifies the address where the Federation (Server-Server) API is
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_federation_api_addr: 'matrix-synapse:{{ matrix_synapse_container_federation_api_plain_port }}'
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_federation_api_client_max_body_size_mb: "{{ (matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_client_api_client_max_body_size_mb | int) * 3 }}"
# A list of strings containing additional configuration blocks to add to the nginx vhost handling the Synapse Client-Server API
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_synapse_client_api_additional_server_configuration_blocks: []
# A list of strings containing additional configuration blocks to add to the nginx vhost handling the Synapse Federation (Server-Server) API
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_synapse_federation_api_additional_server_configuration_blocks: []
# synapse worker activation and endpoint mappings
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_synapse_workers_enabled: false
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_synapse_workers_list: []
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_synapse_generic_worker_client_server_locations: []
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_synapse_generic_worker_federation_locations: []
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_synapse_stream_writer_typing_stream_worker_client_server_locations: []
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_synapse_stream_writer_to_device_stream_worker_client_server_locations: []
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_synapse_stream_writer_account_data_stream_worker_client_server_locations: []
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_synapse_stream_writer_receipts_stream_worker_client_server_locations: []
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_synapse_stream_writer_presence_stream_worker_client_server_locations: []
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_synapse_media_repository_locations: []
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_synapse_user_dir_locations: []
# synapse content caching
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_synapse_cache_enabled: false
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_synapse_cache_path: /tmp/synapse-cache
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_synapse_cache_keys_zone_name: "STATIC"
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_synapse_cache_keys_zone_size: "10m"
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_synapse_cache_inactive_time: "48h"
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_synapse_cache_max_size_mb: 1024
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_synapse_cache_proxy_cache_valid_time: "24h"
# Controls whether matrix-synapse-reverse-proxy-companion trusts an upstream server's X-Forwarded-Proto header.
# The `matrix-synapse-reverse-proxy-companion` does not terminate SSL and always expects to be fronted by another reverse-proxy server (`matrix-nginx-proxy`, etc.).
# As such, it trusts the protocol scheme forwarded by the upstream proxy.
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_trust_forwarded_proto: true
matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_x_forwarded_proto_value: "{{ '$http_x_forwarded_proto' if matrix_synapse_reverse_proxy_companion_trust_forwarded_proto else '$scheme' }}"