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# This utility aims to determine if there is some existing Postgres version in use or not.
# If there is, it also tries to detect the Docker image that corresponds to that version.
- name: Initialize Postgres version determination variables (default to empty)
matrix_backup_borg_postgresql_detection_pg_version_path: "{{ matrix_postgres_data_path }}/PG_VERSION"
matrix_backup_borg_postgresql_detected_existing: false
matrix_backup_borg_postgresql_detected_version: ""
matrix_backup_borg_version: ""
- name: Determine existing Postgres version (check PG_VERSION file)
path: "{{ matrix_backup_borg_postgresql_detection_pg_version_path }}"
register: result_pg_version_stat
- set_fact:
matrix_backup_borg_postgresql_detected_existing: true
when: "result_pg_version_stat.stat.exists"
- name: Determine existing Postgres version (read PG_VERSION file)
src: "{{ matrix_backup_borg_postgresql_detection_pg_version_path }}"
register: result_pg_version
when: matrix_backup_borg_postgresql_detected_existing|bool
- name: Determine existing Postgres version (make sense of PG_VERSION file)
matrix_backup_borg_postgresql_detected_version: "{{ result_pg_version['content']|b64decode|replace('\n', '') }}"
when: matrix_backup_borg_postgresql_detected_existing|bool
- name: Determine corresponding Docker image version to detected version
matrix_backup_borg_version: "{{ matrix_backup_borg_postgresql_detected_version }}"
when: "matrix_backup_borg_postgresql_detected_version == '12' or matrix_backup_borg_postgresql_detected_version.startswith('12.') or matrix_backup_borg_postgresql_detected_version == '13' or matrix_backup_borg_postgresql_detected_version.startswith('13.') or matrix_backup_borg_postgresql_detected_version == '14' or matrix_backup_borg_postgresql_detected_version.startswith('14.')"
- name: Fail if existing Postgres version is not supported by borgmatic docker image
msg: >-
Your Postgres v{{ matrix_backup_borg_postgresql_detected_version }} is not supported.
when: "matrix_backup_borg_version == ''"