An AWX setup for managing multiple Matrix servers.
This section is used in an AWX system that can create and manage multiple [Matrix]( servers. You can issue members an AWX login to their own 'organisation', which they can use to manage/configure 1 to N servers.
Members can be assigned a server from Digitalocean, or they can connect their own on-premises server. This script is free to use in a commercial context with the 'MemberPress Plus' and 'WP Oauth Sever' addons. It can also be run in a non-commercial context.
The AWX system is arranged into 'members' each with their own 'subscriptions'. After creating a subscription the user enters the 'provision stage' where they defined the URLs they will use, the servers location and whether or not there's already a website at the base domain. They then proceed onto the 'deploy stage' where they can configure their Matrix server.
Ideally this system can manage the updates, configuration, backups and monitoring on it's own. It is an extension of the popular deploy script [spantaleev/matrix-docker-ansible-deploy](
Warning: This project is currently alpha quality and should only be run by the brave.
## Other Required Playbooks
The following repositories allow you to copy and use this setup:
[Create AWX System]( - Creates and configures the AWX system for you.
[Ansible Create Delete Subscription Membership]( - Used by the AWX system to create memberships and subscriptions.
[Ansible Provision Server]( - Used by AWX members to perform initial configuration of their DigitalOcean or On-Premises server.
## Does I need an AWX setup to use this? How do I configure it?
Yes, you'll need to configure an AWX instance, the [Create AWX System]( repository makes it easy to do. Just follow the steps listed in '/docs/' of that repository.
## Does I need a front-end WordPress site? And a DigitalOcean account?
You do not need a front-end WordPress site or any of the mentioned WordPress plugins to use this setup. It can be run on it's own in a non-commercial context.
You also don't need a DigitalOcean account, but this will limit you to only being able to connect 'On-Premises' servers.
To make a back up of the current PostgreSQL database, make sure it's running and then execute a command like this on the server:
docker run \
--rm \
--log-driver=none \
--network=matrix \
/usr/bin/docker exec \
--env-file=/matrix/postgres/env-postgres-psql \ \
pg_dumpall -h matrix-postgres \
matrix-postgres \
/usr/local/bin/pg_dumpall -h matrix-postgres \
| gzip -c \
> /postgres.sql.gz
> /matrix/postgres.sql.gz
If you are using an [external Postgres server](, the above command will not work, because the credentials file (`/matrix/postgres/env-postgres-psql`) is not available.
If your server is on the ARM32 [architecture](, you may need to remove the `-alpine` suffix from the image name in the command above.
If you are using an [external Postgres server](, the above command will not work, because neither the credentials file (`/matrix/postgres/env-postgres-psql`), nor the `matrix-postgres` container is available.
Restoring a backup made this way can be done by [importing it](
matrix_nginx_proxy_data_path: "{{ '/chroot/website' if (matrix_awx_enabled and not matrix_nginx_proxy_base_domain_homepage_enabled) else (matrix_nginx_proxy_base_path + '/data') }}"
matrix_nginx_proxy_data_path_in_container: "{{ '/nginx-data/matrix-domain' if (matrix_awx_enabled and not matrix_nginx_proxy_base_domain_homepage_enabled) else '/nginx-data' }}"
"question_description": "Sets the password of the 'sftp' account, which allows you to upload a multi-file static website by SFTP, as well as download the latest copy of your services backup. If empty the password won't be updated. WARNING: You must set a strong and unique password here.",
"question_description": "Set whether you want to disable SFTP, use a password to connect to SFTP or connect with a more secure SSH key.",
"required": true,
"min": null,
"max": null,
"default": "{{ sftp_auth_method | string }}",
"choices": "Disabled\nPassword\nSSH Key",
"new_question": true,
"variable": "sftp_auth_method",
"type": "multiplechoice"
"question_name": "SFTP Password",
"question_description": "Sets the password of the 'sftp' account, which allows you to upload a multi-file static website by SFTP, as well as export the latest copy of your Matrix service. Must be defined if 'Password' method is selected. WARNING: You must set a strong and unique password here.",
"required": false,
"min": 0,
"max": 64,
"default": "{{ sftp_password }}",
"choices": "",
"new_question": true,
"variable": "sftp_password",
"type": "password"
"question_name": "SFTP Public SSH Key (More Secure)",
"question_description": "Sets the public SSH key used to access the 'sftp' account, which allows you to upload a multi-file static website by SFTP, as well as export the latest copy of your Matrix service. Must be defined if 'SSH Key' method is selected.",