Full error from trying to run `dig`:{{result_cli_dig_srv }}
when:"lookup_dig_srv is not defined and result_cli_dig_srv.stderr != ''"
# Some DNS servers may respond with '' (stands for "No Answer").
# Most usually, a missing record would yield a 'NXDOMAIN' response.
# In any case, we consider any non-mapping response to mean "missing record".
- name:Fail if DNS SRV record missing (Ansible dig lookup)
It appears the DNS SRV record for {{ dns_srv_record_check.service_and_protocol }} on {{ dns_srv_record_check.domain }} is not set up correctly (the record is missing).
See the 'Configuring DNS' documentation for this playbook.
when:"lookup_dig_srv is defined and lookup_dig_srv == 'NXDOMAIN'"
when:"lookup_dig_srv is defined and lookup_dig_srv is not mapping"
- name:Fail if DNS SRV record incorrect (Ansible dig lookup)