@ -24,7 +24,22 @@
- "{{ matrix_prometheus_config_path }}"
- "{{ matrix_prometheus_data_path }}"
when: matrix_prometheus_enabled|bool
- block:
# Well, this actually creates the network if it doesn't exist, but..
# The network should have been created by `matrix-base` already.
# We don't rely on that other call and its result, because it runs
# on `--tags=setup-all`, but will get skipped during `--tags=setup-prometheus`.
- name: Fetch Matrix Docker network details
name: "{{ matrix_docker_network }}"
driver: bridge
register: matrix_docker_network_info
- set_fact:
matrix_prometheus_endpoint_node_targets: ["{{ matrix_docker_network_info.network.IPAM.Config[0].Gateway }}:9100"]
when: "matrix_prometheus_enabled|bool and matrix_prometheus_node_exporter_enabled|bool and matrix_prometheus_endpoint_node_targets|length == 0"
- name: Ensure prometheus.yml installed
content: "{{ matrix_prometheus_configuration|to_nice_yaml }}"