@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
# Setting up postgres backup (optional)
The playbook can install and configure [docker-postgres-backup-local]( for you.
## Adjusting the playbook configuration
Minimal working configuration (`inventory/host_vars/matrix.DOMAIN/vars.yml`) to enable Postgres backup:
matrix_postgres_backup_enabled: true
Refer to the table below for additional configuration variables and their default values.
| Name | Default value | Description |
| :-------------------------------- | :--------------------------- | :--------------------------------------------------------------- |
|`matrix_postgres_backup_enabled`|`false`|Set to true to use [docker-postgres-backup-local]( to create automatic database backups|
|`matrix_postgres_backup_schedule`| `'@daily'` |Cron-schedule specifying the interval between postgres backups.|
|`matrix_postgres_backup_keep_days`|`7`|Number of daily backups to keep|
|`matrix_postgres_backup_keep_weeks`|`4`|Number of weekly backups to keep|
|`matrix_postgres_backup_keep_months`|`12`|Number of monthly backups to keep|
|`matrix_postgres_backup_path` | `"{{ matrix_base_data_path }}/postgres-backup"` | Storagepath for the database backups|
## Installing
After configuring the playbook, run the [installation]( command again:
ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts setup.yml --tags=setup-all,start
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
- name: Collect epoche time from date
shell: |
date -d '{{ item }}' +"%s"
register: epoche_time
- name: Purge local media to specific date
shell: |
curl -X POST --header "Authorization: Bearer {{ janitors_token.stdout }}" 'https://matrix.{{ matrix_domain }}/_synapse/admin/v1/media/matrix.{{ matrix_domain }}/delete?before_ts={{ epoche_time.stdout }}'
- name: Pause for 5 seconds to let Synapse breathe
seconds: 5
@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
- name: Ensure dateutils and curl is installed in AWX
name: dateutils
state: latest
- name: Include vars in matrix_vars.yml
file: '/var/lib/awx/projects/clients/{{ member_id }}/{{ subscription_id }}/matrix_vars.yml'
no_log: True
- name: Ensure curl and jq intalled on target machine
- curl
- jq
state: present
- name: Collect access token for janitor user
shell: |
curl -XPOST -d '{"type":"m.login.password", "user":"janitor", "password":"{{ matrix_awx_janitor_user_password }}"}' "https://matrix.{{ matrix_domain }}/_matrix/client/r0/login" | jq '.access_token'
register: janitors_token
- name: Generate list of dates to purge to
shell: "dateseq {{ matrix_purge_from_date }} {{ matrix_purge_to_date }}"
register: purge_dates
- name: Calculate initial size of local media repository
shell: du -sh /matrix/synapse/storage/media-store/local*
register: local_media_size_before
when: matrix_purge_media_type == "Local Media"
ignore_errors: yes
no_log: True
- name: Calculate initial size of remote media repository
shell: du -sh /matrix/synapse/storage/media-store/remote*
register: remote_media_size_before
when: matrix_purge_media_type == "Remote Media"
ignore_errors: yes
no_log: True
- name: Purge local media with loop
include_tasks: purge_media_local.yml
loop: "{{ purge_dates.stdout_lines | flatten(levels=1) }}"
when: matrix_purge_media_type == "Local Media"
- name: Purge remote media with loop
include_tasks: purge_media_remote.yml
loop: "{{ purge_dates.stdout_lines | flatten(levels=1) }}"
when: matrix_purge_media_type == "Remote Media"
- name: Calculate final size of local media repository
shell: du -sh /matrix/synapse/storage/media-store/local*
register: local_media_size_after
when: matrix_purge_media_type == "Local Media"
ignore_errors: yes
no_log: True
- name: Calculate final size of remote media repository
shell: du -sh /matrix/synapse/storage/media-store/remote*
register: remote_media_size_after
when: matrix_purge_media_type == "Remote Media"
ignore_errors: yes
no_log: True
- name: Print size of local media repository before purge
msg: "{{ local_media_size_before.stdout.split('\n') }}"
when: matrix_purge_media_type == "Local Media"
- name: Print size of local media repository after purge
msg: "{{ local_media_size_after.stdout.split('\n') }}"
when: matrix_purge_media_type == "Local Media"
- name: Print size of remote media repository before purge
msg: "{{ remote_media_size_before.stdout.split('\n') }}"
when: matrix_purge_media_type == "Remote Media"
- name: Print size of remote media repository after purge
msg: "{{ remote_media_size_after.stdout.split('\n') }}"
when: matrix_purge_media_type == "Remote Media"
- name: Set boolean value to exit playbook
end_playbook: true
- name: End playbook early if this task is called.
meta: end_play
when: end_playbook is defined and end_playbook|bool
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
- name: Collect epoche time from date
shell: |
date -d '{{ item }}' +"%s"
register: epoche_time
- name: Purge local media to specific date
shell: |
curl -X POST --header "Authorization: Bearer {{ janitors_token.stdout }}" 'https://matrix.{{ matrix_domain }}/_synapse/admin/v1/purge_media_cache?before_ts={{ epoche_time.stdout }}'
- name: Pause for 5 seconds to let Synapse breathe
seconds: 5
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
matrix_postgres_backup_enabled: false
matrix_postgres_backup_connection_hostname: "matrix-postgres"
matrix_postgres_backup_connection_port: 5432
matrix_postgres_backup_connection_username: "matrix"
matrix_postgres_backup_connection_password: ""
matrix_postgres_backup_extra_opts: "-Z9 --schema=public --blobs"
matrix_postgres_backup_schedule: "@daily"
matrix_postgres_backup_keep_days: 7
matrix_postgres_backup_keep_weeks: 4
matrix_postgres_backup_keep_months: 12
matrix_postgres_backup_healthcheck_port: "8080"
matrix_postgres_backup_databases: []
matrix_postgres_backup_path: "{{ matrix_base_data_path }}/postgres-backup"
# Specifies where the Postgres data is.
# We use this to autodetect the Postgres version during playbook runtime (by parsing the `PG_VERSION` file contained there).
# You can leave this empty to prevent auto-detection.
matrix_postgres_backup_postgres_data_path: ""
matrix_postgres_backup_architecture: amd64
# matrix_postgres_docker_image_suffix controls whether we use Alpine-based images (`-alpine`) or the normal Debian-based images.
# Alpine-based Postgres images are smaller and we usually prefer them, but they don't work on ARM32 (tested on a Raspberry Pi 3 running Raspbian 10.7).
# On ARM32, `-alpine` images fail with the following error:
# > LOG: startup process (PID 37) was terminated by signal 11: Segmentation fault
matrix_postgres_backup_docker_image_suffix: "{{ '-alpine' if matrix_postgres_backup_architecture in ['amd64', 'arm64'] else '' }}"
matrix_postgres_backup_docker_image_v9: "{{ matrix_container_global_registry_prefix }}prodrigestivill/postgres-backup-local:9.6{{ matrix_postgres_backup_docker_image_suffix }}"
matrix_postgres_backup_docker_image_v10: "{{ matrix_container_global_registry_prefix }}prodrigestivill/postgres-backup-local:10{{ matrix_postgres_backup_docker_image_suffix }}"
matrix_postgres_backup_docker_image_v11: "{{ matrix_container_global_registry_prefix }}prodrigestivill/postgres-backup-local:11{{ matrix_postgres_backup_docker_image_suffix }}"
matrix_postgres_backup_docker_image_v12: "{{ matrix_container_global_registry_prefix }}prodrigestivill/postgres-backup-local:12{{ matrix_postgres_backup_docker_image_suffix }}"
matrix_postgres_backup_docker_image_v13: "{{ matrix_container_global_registry_prefix }}prodrigestivill/postgres-backup-local:13{{ matrix_postgres_backup_docker_image_suffix }}"
matrix_postgres_backup_docker_image_latest: "{{ matrix_postgres_backup_docker_image_v13 }}"
# This variable is assigned at runtime. Overriding its value has no effect.
matrix_postgres_backup_docker_image_to_use: '{{ matrix_postgres_backup_docker_image_latest }}'
matrix_postgres_backup_docker_image_force_pull: "{{ matrix_postgres_backup_docker_image_to_use.endswith(':latest') }}"
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
- set_fact:
matrix_systemd_services_list: "{{ matrix_systemd_services_list + ['matrix-postgres-backup.service'] }}"
when: matrix_postgres_backup_enabled|bool
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
- import_tasks: "{{ role_path }}/tasks/init.yml"
- always
- import_tasks: "{{ role_path }}/tasks/validate_config.yml"
when: "run_setup|bool and matrix_postgres_backup_enabled|bool"
- setup-all
- setup-postgres-backup
- import_tasks: "{{ role_path }}/tasks/setup_postgres_backup.yml"
when: run_setup|bool
- setup-all
- setup-postgres-backup
@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
# Tasks related to setting up an internal postgres server
- import_tasks: "{{ role_path }}/tasks/util/detect_existing_postgres_version.yml"
when: 'matrix_postgres_backup_enabled|bool and matrix_postgres_backup_postgres_data_path != ""'
# If we have found an existing version (installed from before), we use its corresponding Docker image.
# If not, we install using the latest Postgres.
# Upgrading is supposed to be performed separately and explicitly (see `upgrade_postgres.yml`).
- set_fact:
matrix_postgres_backup_docker_image_to_use: "{{ matrix_postgres_backup_docker_image_latest if matrix_postgres_backup_detected_version_corresponding_docker_image|default('') == '' else matrix_postgres_backup_detected_version_corresponding_docker_image }}"
when: matrix_postgres_backup_enabled|bool
- name: Ensure postgres backup Docker image is pulled
name: "{{ matrix_postgres_backup_docker_image_to_use }}"
source: "{{ 'pull' if ansible_version.major > 2 or ansible_version.minor > 7 else omit }}"
force_source: "{{ matrix_postgres_backup_docker_image_force_pull if ansible_version.major > 2 or ansible_version.minor >= 8 else omit }}"
force: "{{ omit if ansible_version.major > 2 or ansible_version.minor >= 8 else matrix_postgres_backup_docker_image_force_pull }}"
when: matrix_postgres_backup_enabled|bool
- name: Ensure Postgres backup paths exist
path: "{{ item }}"
state: directory
mode: 0700
owner: "{{ matrix_user_username }}"
group: "{{ matrix_user_groupname }}"
- "{{ matrix_postgres_backup_path }}"
when: matrix_postgres_backup_enabled|bool
- name: Ensure Postgres environment variables file created
src: "{{ role_path }}/templates/{{ item }}.j2"
dest: "{{ matrix_postgres_backup_path }}/{{ item }}"
mode: 0640
- "env-postgres-backup"
when: matrix_postgres_backup_enabled|bool
- name: Ensure matrix-postgres-backup.service installed
src: "{{ role_path }}/templates/systemd/matrix-postgres-backup.service.j2"
dest: "{{ matrix_systemd_path }}/matrix-postgres-backup.service"
mode: 0644
register: matrix_postgres_backup_systemd_service_result
when: matrix_postgres_backup_enabled|bool
- name: Ensure systemd reloaded after matrix-postgres-backup.service installation
daemon_reload: yes
when: "matrix_postgres_backup_enabled|bool and matrix_postgres_backup_systemd_service_result.changed"
# Tasks related to getting rid of the internal postgres backup server (if it was previously enabled)
- name: Check existence of matrix-postgres-backup service
path: "{{ matrix_systemd_path }}/matrix-postgres-backup.service"
register: matrix_postgres_backup_service_stat
when: "not matrix_postgres_backup_enabled|bool"
- name: Ensure matrix-postgres-backup is stopped
name: matrix-postgres-backup
state: stopped
daemon_reload: yes
when: "not matrix_postgres_backup_enabled|bool and matrix_postgres_backup_service_stat.stat.exists"
- name: Ensure matrix-postgres-backup.service doesn't exist
path: "{{ matrix_systemd_path }}/matrix-postgres-backup.service"
state: absent
when: "not matrix_postgres_backup_enabled|bool and matrix_postgres_backup_service_stat.stat.exists"
- name: Ensure systemd reloaded after matrix-postgres-backup.service removal
daemon_reload: yes
when: "not matrix_postgres_backup_enabled|bool and matrix_postgres_backup_service_stat.stat.exists"
- name: Check existence of matrix-postgres-backup backup path
path: "{{ matrix_postgres_backup_path }}"
register: matrix_postgres_backup_path_stat
when: "not matrix_postgres_backup_enabled|bool"
# We just want to notify the user. Deleting data is too destructive.
- name: Inject warning if matrix-postgres backup data remains
matrix_playbook_runtime_results: |
"NOTE: You are not using the local backup service to backup the PostgreSQL database, but some old data remains from before in `{{ matrix_postgres_backup_path }}`. Feel free to delete it."
when: "not matrix_postgres_backup_enabled|bool and matrix_postgres_backup_path_stat.stat.exists"
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
# This utility aims to determine if there is some existing Postgres version in use or not.
# If there is, it also tries to detect the Docker image that corresponds to that version.
- name: Initialize Postgres version determination variables (default to empty)
matrix_postgres_backup_detection_pg_version_path: "{{ matrix_postgres_data_path }}/PG_VERSION"
matrix_postgres_backup_detected_existing: false
matrix_postgres_backup_detected_version: ""
matrix_postgres_backup_detected_version_corresponding_docker_image: ""
- name: Determine existing Postgres version (check PG_VERSION file)
path: "{{ matrix_postgres_backup_detection_pg_version_path }}"
register: result_pg_version_stat
- set_fact:
matrix_postgres_backup_detected_existing: true
when: "result_pg_version_stat.stat.exists"
- name: Determine existing Postgres version (read PG_VERSION file)
src: "{{ matrix_postgres_backup_detection_pg_version_path }}"
register: result_pg_version
when: matrix_postgres_backup_detected_existing|bool
- name: Determine existing Postgres version (make sense of PG_VERSION file)
matrix_postgres_backup_detected_version: "{{ result_pg_version['content']|b64decode|replace('\n', '') }}"
when: matrix_postgres_backup_detected_existing|bool
- name: Determine corresponding Docker image to detected version (assume default of latest)
matrix_postgres_backup_detected_version_corresponding_docker_image: "{{ matrix_postgres_backup_docker_image_latest }}"
when: "matrix_postgres_backup_detected_version != ''"
- name: Determine corresponding Docker image to detected version (use 9.x, if detected)
matrix_postgres_backup_detected_version_corresponding_docker_image: "{{ matrix_postgres_backup_docker_image_v9 }}"
when: "matrix_postgres_backup_detected_version.startswith('9.')"
- name: Determine corresponding Docker image to detected version (use 10.x, if detected)
matrix_postgres_backup_detected_version_corresponding_docker_image: "{{ matrix_postgres_backup_docker_image_v10 }}"
when: "matrix_postgres_backup_detected_version == '10' or matrix_postgres_backup_detected_version.startswith('10.')"
- name: Determine corresponding Docker image to detected version (use 11.x, if detected)
matrix_postgres_backup_detected_version_corresponding_docker_image: "{{ matrix_postgres_backup_docker_image_v11 }}"
when: "matrix_postgres_backup_detected_version == '11' or matrix_postgres_backup_detected_version.startswith('11.')"
- name: Determine corresponding Docker image to detected version (use 12.x, if detected)
matrix_postgres_backup_detected_version_corresponding_docker_image: "{{ matrix_postgres_backup_docker_image_v12 }}"
when: "matrix_postgres_backup_detected_version == '12' or matrix_postgres_backup_detected_version.startswith('12.')"
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
- name: Fail if required Postgres settings not defined
msg: >-
You need to define a required configuration setting (`{{ item }}`).
when: "vars[item] == ''"
- "matrix_postgres_backup_connection_hostname"
- "matrix_postgres_backup_connection_username"
- "matrix_postgres_backup_connection_password"
- "matrix_postgres_backup_connection_port"
- "matrix_postgres_backup_schedule"
- "matrix_postgres_backup_keep_days"
- "matrix_postgres_backup_keep_weeks"
- "matrix_postgres_backup_keep_months"
- "matrix_postgres_backup_path"
- "matrix_postgres_backup_databases"
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
#jinja2: lstrip_blocks: "True"
POSTGRES_USER={{ matrix_postgres_backup_connection_username }}
POSTGRES_PASSWORD={{ matrix_postgres_backup_connection_password }}
POSTGRES_HOST={{ matrix_postgres_backup_connection_hostname }}
POSTGRES_DB={{ matrix_postgres_backup_databases|join(', ') }}
POSTGRES_EXTRA_OPTS={{ matrix_postgres_backup_extra_opts }}
SCHEDULE={{ matrix_postgres_backup_schedule }}
BACKUP_KEEP_DAYS={{ matrix_postgres_backup_keep_days }}
BACKUP_KEEP_WEEKS={{ matrix_postgres_backup_keep_weeks }}
BACKUP_KEEP_MONTHS={{ matrix_postgres_backup_keep_months }}
HEALTHCHECK_PORT={{ matrix_postgres_backup_healthcheck_port }}
POSTGRES_PORT={{ matrix_postgres_backup_connection_port }}
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
#jinja2: lstrip_blocks: "True"
Description=Automatic Backup of Matrix Postgres server
Environment="HOME={{ matrix_systemd_unit_home_path }}"
ExecStartPre=-{{ matrix_host_command_docker }} stop matrix-postgres-backup
ExecStartPre=-{{ matrix_host_command_sh }} -c '{{ matrix_host_command_docker }} rm matrix-postgres-backup 2>/dev/null'
ExecStart={{ matrix_host_command_docker }} run --rm --name matrix-postgres-backup \
--log-driver=none \
--user={{ matrix_user_uid }}:{{ matrix_user_gid }} \
--cap-drop=ALL \
--read-only \
--network={{ matrix_docker_network }} \
--env-file={{ matrix_postgres_backup_path }}/env-postgres-backup \
--mount type=bind,src={{ matrix_postgres_backup_path }},dst=/backups \
{{ matrix_postgres_backup_docker_image_to_use }}
ExecStop=-{{ matrix_host_command_docker }} stop matrix-postgres-backup
ExecStop=-{{ matrix_host_command_sh }} -c '{{ matrix_host_command_docker }} rm matrix-postgres-backup 2>/dev/null'
Reference in new issue