The Service is now exposed by default on port 8585 and forwarded by nginx to the specified endpoint
Signed-off-by: Julian-Samuel Gebühr <>
# Controls whether the matrix_ldap_registration_proxy container exposes its HTTP port (tcp/{{ matrix_ldap_registration_proxy_container_port }} in the container).
# Controls whether the matrix_ldap_registration_proxy container exposes its HTTP port (tcp/{{ matrix_ldap_registration_proxy_container_port }} in the container).
# Takes an "<ip>:<port>" or "<port>" value (e.g. ""), or empty string to not expose.
# Takes an "<ip>:<port>" or "<port>" value (e.g. ""), or empty string to not expose.
# `matrix_ldap_registration_proxy_container_http_host_bind_port_number_raw` contains the raw port number extracted from `matrix_ldap_registration_proxy_container_http_host_bind_port`,
# which can contain values like this: ('1234', '', '')
matrix_ldap_registration_proxy_container_http_host_bind_port_number_raw:"{{ '' if matrix_ldap_registration_proxy_container_http_host_bind_port == '' else (matrix_ldap_registration_proxy_container_http_host_bind_port.split(':')[1] if ':' in matrix_ldap_registration_proxy_container_http_host_bind_port else matrix_ldap_registration_proxy_container_http_host_bind_port) }}"