# matrix_grafana_dashboard_download_urls_all contains the full list (of URLs) of dashboards to download.
# This variable is overriden elsewhere and additional URLs are injected into it (besides those seen in `matrix_grafana_dashboard_download_urls`) based on the enabled components.
# If matrix_prometheus_node_exporter_container_http_host_bind_port is set to an IP that is not and a port, that "<ip>:<port>" value will be used
# Otherwise this value will be empty and you will have to manually configure your NGINX config file. (If you are using the config files generated by this playbook, you will have to edit matrix-domain.conf)
matrix_prometheus_node_exporter_matrix_nginx_proxy_not_enabled_proxy_pass_host:"{{ '' + matrix_prometheus_node_exporter_container_http_host_bind_port_number_raw if not ':' in matrix_prometheus_node_exporter_container_http_host_bind_port else (matrix_prometheus_node_exporter_container_http_host_bind_port if matrix_prometheus_node_exporter_container_http_host_bind_port.split(':')[0] != '' else '') }}"
# matrix_prometheus_node_exporter_dashboard_urls contains a list of URLs with Grafana dashboard definitions.
# If the Grafana role is enabled, these dashboards will be downloaded.
# Otherwise this value will be empty and you will have to manually configure your NGINX config file. (If you are using the config files generated by this playbook, you will have to edit matrix-domain.conf)
matrix_prometheus_postgres_exporter_matrix_nginx_proxy_not_enabled_proxy_pass_host:"{{ '' + matrix_prometheus_postgres_exporter_container_http_host_bind_port_number_raw if not ':' in matrix_prometheus_postgres_exporter_container_http_host_bind_port else (matrix_prometheus_postgres_exporter_container_http_host_bind_port if matrix_prometheus_postgres_exporter_container_http_host_bind_port.split(':')[0] != '' else '') }}"
# matrix_prometheus_postgres_exporter_dashboard_urls contains a list of URLs with Grafana dashboard definitions.
# If the Grafana role is enabled, these dashboards will be downloaded.